Pastor Keith joined the staff of FBC Jackson as Senior Pastor in March of 2014 having served previously as Senior Pastor in churches in both Kentucky and Georgia.  He has brought a vision of loving God and making disciples of all people to Jackson First Baptist.

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And I am sure of this,

that He who began a good work in you

will bring it to completion

at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6

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Missions have always been a passion in my life due to the tireless work of my mother. The Lord opened my heart to the gospel at the age of seven, and my earliest memories are of my mother doing mission work out of our family home.  Mother taught us to care for the orphan and widow, and she always showed us how to reach out to the poor among us.  As I grew older, my summers were spent doing mission work with Vacation Bible Schools throughout the mountains of Eastern Kentucky.  

When I entered college, I ran from God’s call and aspired to do anything but preach His Word. Thankfully, God got my attention at the age of 21. Shortly after that life changing moment, I surrendered to God’s call on my life and within four months I was at Liberty University training to serve the Lord.

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Jackson First Baptist Church is God’s amazing place of global outreach in our lives. Our vision is simply is simply this: “We exist to love God and to make disciples of all people.” We accomplish our mission through the process of the 3 G strategy: God teaches us to gather in His house to worship Him. While we are gathered we seek to lead our people to grow in their faith through many avenues of study, service, and sacrifice. As we grow God directs us to go as a people into all the world. We do this by local, national, and global outreach.

I met my future wife my first semester at Liberty University and I knew

immediately she was the one God had for me.Twenty five years later

I know even more that she is God’s partner for my life and we have

been serving the Lord together in local churches in Kentucky and

Georgia.  Her passion for Women's ministry has only worked to

enhance my calling as a pastor.  She is a true help meet and a

selfless mother to our three children and daughter in law.

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At Home & Around the World

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE, Malawi Africa     Jackson First Baptist is actively partnering with Hope For the Future by sending mission teams to Malawi twice a year.  During this partnership, we have seen God's work first hand as 32 churches have been planted in local villages.  When we are not in Malawi, we also support children in two feeding centers, which feed over 200 children each day.  Looking forward and pressing onward, we are excited about the grand opening of Hope For the Future Pastor Training Center in May of 2018 Once opened, the Training Center has a goal of training 100 pastors for 100 near by villages. 

BAPTIST MEDICAL & DENTAL MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL, Honduras     Jackson FBC has also partnered with BMDMI to do medical missions in Honduras as we seek to plant churches throughout the nations.  Each year, a dedicated team from our area travels to Honduras to serve and share with those that are physically sick and those that are spiritually sick.  In July of 2017 we will plant our second church in six years.    

NORTH AMERICAN MISSION BOARD     We are now partnering with NAMB to plant a church in one of 32 Send Cities in the USA as well as partnering with The Way of the Cross International Church in Marrieta, Ga.

JACKSON, GA    Locally we have begun a ministry in a very impoverished area of our county. We call this site, “Project Turnaround.”  Volunteers meet with local school children to build relationships through tutoring, Bible study and various other activities.   Also, our Hand 2 Hand ministry distributes food to those in our county which have fallen on hard times and need food for both the body and soul.  

Whether its locally, nationally, or internationally we are all in when it comes to loving God and making disciples of all people. 

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