Men's Minstry

Our first goal is to lead men to Christ, but it does not end there.  Our men's ministry is constructed to equip men to become Godly leaders at home, at church, and beyond.   Only then can men successfully meet the demands of being a husband, a father, an employee, and a Christian in today's world.  

Along with faithful study, accountability and worship, the men of Jackson FBC are actively involved in ministry both locally, nationally and internationally.  JFBC could not accomplish all we strive to do without the hard and dedicated work of our men.  They share a variety of gifts, including:  teaching, construction, mentoring, cooking, planning, security, transportation and much more.  If you are tired of sitting on the sideline and God is calling you to serve - we have a place for you!

breakfast and Bible study

Vigilant Men

If men are to be strong and able to "stand fast in the faith" then men must be familiar with God's Word.


ALL men are invited to our

Vigilant Men Bible Study

Every Wednesday morning at 6:00 am, in the Multipurpose Room South (on the East side of bldg.)  Breakfast is free and the fellowship is priceless.

Band Of Brothers

In every generation, God has issued a call for men to become His champions for their homes, their churches, and the communities they live in. Today God is issuing this challenge to the men of all ages at JFBC. In David’s generation, the Bible reveals, “For from day-to-day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army, like an army of God.” I Chronicles 12:22 As the lead pastor of JFBC, Pastor Keith is calling men together who are answering God’s call to become God’s champions. He is launching a journey of spiritual growth and mission by teaching men how to be a Band of Brothers. Do you have the courage to come? Do you have the call to reach and develop your home? Do you have the call to lead the church? Do you have the call to reach this community? If so, join the Band of Brothers as we meet weekly beginning Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 6 am in the Multi-Purpose Room North.