Welcome! We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or concerns about events or our facilities, just let us know. All services are also online.
Welcome! We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or concerns about events or our facilities, just let us know. All services are also online.
CentriKid Summer Camp - July 17 - 21
Make your reservation TODAY!! We have spots available for this summer's CentriKid camp for all children who have completed 2nd grade through 6th grade as of the end of the 2022-2023 school year. We are returning to Gardner Webb's campus on July 17-July 21. We are collecting $75 deposits NOW to secure your spot!!
Hand N Hand Food Pantry
This month's Food Pantry will be July 15, from 9:00 am - 11:00
This will be a drive through pantry, so remain in your car and groceries will be delivered to you.
Proof of Butts County residency is required.
There are many ways you can help the Hand N Hand team with distributing much needed food to our community on the day of our food pantry. If you are interested, let us know!
Get Connected
Lunch With The Pastor - July 30
We know getting connected to a church can be challenging. The best way to learn more about our church and how you can make it your home is by attending Lunch With The Pastor. You'll have the chance to:
Our Next Lunch With The Pastor is Sunday, July 30, after the second service in the Multi-Purpose Room South.
Secondary Title
GriefShare August 6 4 pm
Need help dealing with grief? GriefShare & Loss Support Groups are here for you. If you are interested in learning more about GriefShare, join us on August 6th at 4 pm for an information and registration meeting. We will meet in the Multi-Purpose Room North. This group will be August 13 - November 19. The member workbook is $20. Contact Pastor Howard for more information.
Hearty Bunch - August 10 11 am
Hearty Bunch is always an exciting time for our Senior Adults to get together for a time of fun, fellowship, and let's not forget the food. At our next meeting, August 10th at 11am, you will need to put on your thinking caps for an exciting game of Bible Trivia. So, in the meantime, sharpen up on your Bible facts and invite a friend. So, let's get ready for a fun time in the WORD.
Women Of First
Women's Bible Study August 15/17
Everyday Faithfulness--the beauty of ordinary perseverance in a demanding world. What does Christian faithfulness look like when life feels unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? Join us as we discuss practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime.
Tuesdays at 10:00 am (Childcare provided)
Thursdays at 9:15 am
Thursdays at 6:30 pm
Discipleship University
Discovering How To Share your Faith
August 16 - September 13
Join with other like-minded believers who desire to have the Biblical tools for effectively sharing one’s faith with family, friends, and all people from all walks of life. This 4-week course is designed to offer you not only a simple gospel presentation but also answers to the tough questions of our day.
Women Of First
Women Of First Birthday Party
August 25 6:30 pm
What is better than celebrating your birthday with a party? Celebrating with other women! Come celebrate your birthday along with others with fun and games. Join us, and bring some friends!
Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
August 27
Do you serve with us? The staff of Jackson FBC would like to honor all of our church volunteers on August 27th, at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet. This will be a joyous time as we celebrate how the body of Christ works together to impact those who come after us. Register today to receive your ticket and let us know the areas in which you serve.
Discipleship University
September 20 - November 8
Take Back Your Family
Are you tired of others being in charge of your family? Do you find yourself never having downtime or time alone with your family? Would you like to do family God’s way? If your answer is yes, this DU class is perfect for you. Take this 10-week journey with Pastor Keith and Ms. Sherry to
"Take Back Your Family."
The Giving Crisis
The average Christian lives from paycheck to paycheck without ever experiencing the true joy of living a life where their money works for them. If you want to become a person who sees God’s grace at work in your money, this course is for you. Join Danny Smith as he helps us to become giants of faith in our handling of money God’s way.
New to Jackson FBC?
Ready to learn more about our church family, what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a member of Jackson First Baptist? DISCOVER FIRST is a two week introductory class designed to answer these questions and more. Visit our Guest Page for more information about JFBC and DISCOVER FIRST.
Class begins the first week of every month.
If you would like to join us, just let us know.
Warriors On the Wall
Would you like to join our Warriors on the Wall prayer ministry? It only takes one hour each week to be a part of a team that covers our church and community in prayer. You can check open time slots and then let us know when you would like to pray.
Wednesday Nights!
Wednesday Night Meals return in August 2023
Men's Ministry
Breakfast & Bible Study
Each Wednesday at 6 am
The more time we spend with good men, the better man we become. A men's group provides community, connection and accountability and is one of the most powerful investments you can make in yourself. We meet and bond over eggs, pancakes and Bible study, but it does not stop there - from work to relationships, this will affect every part of your life.
First K.I.D.S.
After School!
Our After School program happens each Wednesday during the school year. This is for children in PreK-4 through 5th grade. If you would like to register your child, download these forms and bring them to the church office.
For more information, email Lisa Wilder. Read our newsletter here.
Music, tutoring, snack time, and friendship, there is something for every volunteer during our After School. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of our local elementary students, let us know.
Upcoming Events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...